First Tests
Close First Successful Tests Today I printed the first correct color proofs.
Read MoreMan Puzzle Corrections
Close Puzzle Man Error analysis Buy print I made this image in support of a text from the series Information and Poetry in which I talk about the need to build a personal discourse. A theory that helps you be consistent with what you do. This is the first blog post to discuss the evolution…
Read MoreDragons
Close Dragons Completed project I have finished a very special personal project. It is an illustrated album in which I have managed to put into practice reflections of recent years. I’ve been very happy with the textures, the rhythm and the compositions. I start composing images using all the space as a medium to tell.…
Read MoreIllustration and poetry begin
Close Illustration and poetry begins The Practice I start publishing Illustration and Poetry entries. A project that was born two years ago from taking the course of Doméstika and Pepe Gimeno. That course opened the door for me to the question as a way forward. The text structure is already more or less assembled. Now…
Read MoreAssembling the Canvas
Close Building the Canvas The Odyssey Comes to an End The construction of a digital tool. For a few years now I’ve been looking for a tool to publish the web. There have been many attempts. Some were used for some things, such as the blog, others for publishing stories, such as mobilecomic. Others were…
Read MoreCornerstone
Close The Cornerstone Starting from scratch Man disguised as a bird. Many hours have passed to get here. Objectively, I understand that it is not special. It lacks a message. It is nothing more than a formal, poetic proposal. But subjectively, for me, it’s something else. This drawing, in a way, contains the necessary sensations…
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