Information & Poetry
Realistic color
Realistic color Trying to represent a color realistically can also be a limitation when you can use it to express sensations and leave the informational burden to the form.Distribute the weight of communication in shape and color and get new messages.
Read MoreThe Perspective
The Perspective Perspective is another form of the same error. I tend to look for their correction and that limits me to realistic compositions. A site can be represented either by what we see or by what is there. Christian Montenegro explains it perfectly. The perspective can be aggressively or mildly distorted. In both, communication…
Read MoreCinema framing
Cinema framing I come from the world of audiovisual communication. Video and animation. In that world, a type of composition based on types of film shots reigns. A structuring that takes the human figure as a reference and establishes different types of framing of it. Thus, there is the wide shot when a complete scene…
Read MoreDrawing Well
Drawing Well The clearest example is found in human poses. I remember in animation class, in order for some poses to be understood, you had to falsify reality a bit. In order for an image to be understood by the reader, he or she must see as clearly as possible all the elements necessary to…
Read MoreReality, what we’ve learned
Reality, what we’ve learned It’s happened to me a thousand times. I’m drawing something. The pose of the figure is correct, but something that should be seen, for example an object in a hand, is not fully visible. A conflict ensues. I need to teach that, but the pose doesn’t allow it. In the end,…
Read MoreThe Light
The Light Light has the power to control information. The base position of the light is zenithal. It gives us a shadow on the ground. You can show information or hide it. It also gives us spatio-temporal information. It can tell us the time of day, but it can also tell us the type of…
Read MoreHarmony
Harmony In poetry, we talk about the musicality of a poem. Color is going to be a key part of the musicality of the illustration. Color is an indivisible part of a line or a shape. Form is form because it has a color or a set of colors that define it as an object,…
Read MoreColor
Color This issue seems really complex to me and I don’t think it can be easily resolved. I’m going to focus on the color information. The white of the paper is a free space. It’s something that needs to be filled. A blank sheet of paper is something to fill. But it’s not a meaning…
Read MoreThe Surroundings
The Surroundings The stage is a set of elements that give information about a location in a scene. If we represent the scenario, it is because there is important information for the understanding of the image. You may or may not add that information. It’s not always necessary. You can be very descriptive or be…
Read MoreThe Face
The Face It serves to definitively specify a character. It’s the who. It makes it so that in a vignette, seeing only the face, we can tell which characters are talking. When the viewer sees eyes and mouth, he recognizes a face. The nose, the shape, the type of eyes and mouth serve to concretize.…
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