The Flag

Today I'm going to get to a peak
which no one has ever reached.
I'd have to enjoy it.
But that's not the case.

Enjoy the ride,
they say.

Like this
is a walk in the park.

This is not a walk in the park.
It's a race.

You can't get to this summit
by walking.

You get there slowly, yes
As slow
as you can get there
but not by strolling.

At least
I don't know how to do it.
And neither do they.
That's why they're not here.

start by adding hours,

that steal whole days from you.

that hide the passing of the months and the weight of the years.

Years Dedicated
to do this,
that no one has done.

Others will
say it's about the ego,
that I do
it for recognition.
They don't know what flattery hurts

It's done because you don't have a choice.

A pinch
that you carry between
your chest and stomach.

It squeezes and tells
you what to

It separates
you even from your people.

I'll savor it later
After enough time,
When it doesn't hurt to look anymore

Then maybe,
If I'm lucky
I can turn my head
And think, I did.
Then I'll enjoy it.
And maybe, for a moment,
Forgive me.

No way.

September 17, 2020
I finished building a structure
to create responsive webcomics.
I thought it was the first
time it had been done.

On December 11, 2020,
I found out that it already existed since 2017
A project with all the bases
of what a webcomic should be
Responsive Done Right:

Standards, Semantics, & Sequential Art
and a first responsive comic
Toy Plans by Pablo Defendini.

When my career is over,
I'm left with the findings I've made
And to know that I wasn't
alone in my madness.

And yet now,
With everything lost
I'm starting to see the beauty.

This is a responsive and multilingual webcomic.

In this link I describe the main characteristics of the responsive comics that I publish. There is also a demo with the layout options of this format.

When I finish a new story, I communicate it on these social networks: