The Assassination
The Assassination
This part is awkward. As hard to recognize as it is essential. I have to murder that egomaniacal little king who lives inside me and thinks he's talented.
There is no other option. He must be killed. He's wrong. That talent doesn't exist, and if it really exists, I don't have it.
That egomaniacal king spends his life waiting for his time to come. He's sure it will come in some form or another. He doesn't really know what he wants. He is unable to see anything in front of him, because he does not even know how to look. He is only the king of ignorance and I must kill him. He thinks things are going to come to him because of who he is.
That way of thinking is a brake and a block to any development. It is a cowardly and absurd stance. It's a closed door. It's a disguise. It's more fears.