The space
The space
What is space?
I have read many times about artists or works in which it is said that the space they leave unrepresented has the same force as what is represented. For example, with Chillida's work, where is the form and where is the space?
I suppose every action has a reaction. An image is not only made up of the elements we represent. An image is made up of the elements we represent and the space they leave on the page.
The relationship between them is inescapable. The problem is that you don't always see it. You have to get used to the eye, make it work, because it's true that once you see that relationship, you can't stop keeping it in mind. It's happening to me that I prefer to make a figure less realistic, but that the spaces are adequate.
Those spaces sometimes make the elements better understood.
The balance in the image improves by facing that relationship.