Human figure
Human figure
The human figure is the first word in the new dictionary. It is the subject of our sentence since it is the one that serves to create characters, actions, situations, that is, sentences.
The type of treatment of proportions is the first problem to be solved. The first element to define.
It is imperative to achieve forms that have poetry. I have to decide what kind of poetry I want.
The illustration allows the reader, upon seeing head, body, legs, and arms, to identify that they are seeing a representation of a person who is inevitably reporting on a state: running, jumping, resting, talking, lying,... The viewer doesn't need that shape to be perfect. The information needed to conclude that you are facing a person is little. In fact, the imperfect representation of a person opens the door to the communication of abstract sensations that contribute to creating beauty, movement, or hardness. It is the deformation of the figure that opens a first key to play with emotions.
The less detail in the figure, the more identifiable the reader may be. If we give the figure a specific and well-defined appearance, the reader of the image will separate from the figure and identify it as a specific character doing an action. You will not identify yourself with the figure.