

From this point of view, a problem arises that I have had hundreds of times. Drawings that have failed to convey the information correctly. Here there may be:

Misspelled words. If I want to draw a donkey and the reader reads a horse, I'm having a serious communication problem, which can cause the rest of the image to be understood incorrectly.

Spelling mistakes. For example, an element that is not fully drawn, because it is covered by another element. I know it's there. I make the excuse that what happens is that you can't see it, because you have another element in front of you, hoping that the reader will somehow understand it. If I want an element to appear in a scene, it has to be read correctly. I will have to falsify reality for the benefit of a correct reading, because if not, I will break communication and generate a doubt in the reader that can lead to an incorrect or incomplete reading.

Illegible words. Elements that do not contain enough elements for the reader to assimilate. Something poorly drawn or something unusual.

It would be important to detect these problems in the sketch or previous approach of the image. If out of laziness or any other reason we decide to ignore them, we will be creating an incorrect image. A failure of major proportions.