Draw or illustrate
Draw or illustrate
What is an illustration? To that question, I answer a drawing that tells something. What is a drawing? An image composed of a set of strokes created by a human being using some instrument and represented on some support.
What is an image? If I ask myself that question, I'd say it's a set of colored shapes. That set can be concrete or abstract. The concrete would be composed of shapes recognizable to the reader of the image. The abstract does not. I'm going to focus on the images that give us concrete information.
This is where the difference between a drawing and an illustration comes in. A drawing would be a representation of something with no information other than that representation. For example, a house. To call that drawing an illustration, it would have to communicate something to us. Transmit some information or sensation to us. An abandoned house. When a drawing has implicit information, it will be an illustration.
The moment we give illustration the ability to tell something, we are recognizing it as language.
To me a descriptive image, it seems to me that it is a language similar to writing and an abstract image, it seems to me that it creates a language that is more similar to music.