The Style

The Style

Style also possesses information. A manga vignette is not the same as a realistic one. The type of stroke, lighting, colors, everything induces a theme. It influences the type of story the reader wants to read. In fact, many times, just by looking at a drawing, the reader can see whether or not the way in which the subject is going to be treated interests them. There are always surprises, but it can be said that each style of story goes hand in hand with a type of drawing. When we look at a drawing, we get an idea of the type of story.

So, the style that the cartoonist chooses will condition the work he does. It's going to mark the way to solve an idea. The variety that this style possesses will give it weapons, to attract the reader's attention or play with it. It will give you more versatility, to deal with a greater variety of texts. It will broaden your field of action.

The same scene, with different styles, can be boring, predictable, unpredictable or wonderful.