

This issue seems really complex to me and I don't think it can be easily resolved. I'm going to focus on the color information.

The white of the paper is a free space. It's something that needs to be filled. A blank sheet of paper is something to fill. But it's not a meaning that the color white has in itself. This means that because the pages, as a rule, are white. On a television or monitor, black has the same meaning. Black is something that needs to be filled.

The most basic color composition is black line on white background. It would be the equivalent of a neutral color of meaning. The white background is related to the paper we have to draw on.

If we want to dispense with information in colors, we must choose colors associated with the materials that are being used to represent. Any representation of colors that is different from those implicitly associated with each medium is or can be information.

Colors can also be used to create spaces. A flat color, it has the shape of the space it occupies. This color, with that shape, can suggest environments. It can make the reader understand the form and give it meaning. Thus, white can suggest a snowy landscape and black a night.

You can give information to the target and give it a special prominence. A white of a snowy landscape goes from being something to be filled into a whole.

Color differentiation is what is used to separate shapes. The nuances and contrasts will be instruments for the reader to read our messages and appreciate our poetry.

The choice of colors of the scene has to be consistent, not casual. This is the part that I find very difficult. There are many books that deal with this topic. At the moment, I'm getting to very little.

Another way to bring a color to neutral is to create a range of colors, which are the ones that make the difference. There have to be few colors and that will make the reader forgive the color inaccuracies and assimilate them. Thus, an illustration made with different shades of blue will make it justified to see a blue plant. The chromatic proposal is dominating and the color no longer has separate information, but is grouped into the dominant color. It can be used to represent sadness, joy, something old...