Slow motion ready

It was worth it. It had to be redrawn more times, but it was worth it. Now I see the previous attempts and they make no sense at all. It’s been hard for me to let go of things. Clean. Use only what is necessary for the narration. For the pool water, I was especially excited to play with watery tempera. Water that forms water. As for the traits, I like to play with spots that the reader joins together to form things. The comic is ready. Once you find the style and line you want, the rest comes quickly. There is no need to despair. If it takes you months to come up with something. It must be for a reason.
A special mention is the strength that a good text gives you. The respect you have for him makes you demand of yourself. Overcome yourself. It gives you identity. Texts that guide me, give clues, ideas, content, rhythm, in short, a goal to reach.
To see the comic…